Aquaponic System
Have been working on an aquaponic prototype for small scale garden ponds with a high enough yield for a small household. One can see a first atempt here made with Ibc tanks and common pool plumbing scource from collaborator Ttofis from Ttofis pools & chemicals. Scroll further for any updates.

Paste Extruder
The custom, data-controlled (CNC) Paste Extruder, designed and built by the makerspace team, serves as a medium of engagement with local materiality. It also offers a platform for learning, teaching, and experimenting. It’s 1st task: 3D printing clay. Local and visiting collaborators helped bring this task to fruition during the “Turning the Wheel” event (11-23 May 2022). Build details with some initial parameters can be found at https://wikifactory.com/@kh/turning-the-wheel
Future aims consist of acquiring more expertise surrounding additive manufacturing; bigger and better ceramic prints, possible organic paste recipes and large format (recycling plastics) pellet extrusion.

Proud to be part of the BE-HIVE project development team, along with CYENS SuPerWorld & LEAR MRGs and EMME-CARE Center. The project is driven by the common interest in the health of the bee population, that can be affected from many factors ranging from diseases to ambient temperature. Therefore, by monitoring these factors we can infer the most favourable conditions for the placement of hives and ensure that bees are as healthy as possible. Our role in the project as Thinker Maker Space is to design & build the smart beehives, source the electronics and develop the data acquisition system. In close collaboration with SuPerWorld MRG we also work on developing camera traps that aim at capturing, in image format, the natural appearance of flying insects in an area of interest, such as the surrounding area of the deployed beehives.

Aphro. bust
Bringing history to life! Our team at CYENS TMS partnered with the Department of Antiquities to create a stunning replica of the iconic marble Head of Aphrodite (Hellenistic period / Amathus, Limassol district, Cyprus). Using photogrammetry (Marios Constantinides) and 3D scanning and Photography (Kyriaki Yiakoupi) at the Cyprus Museum, we Printed a true-to-life 3D model ready for 3D printing. Through this collaboration, we hope to increase accessibility and appreciation for Cypriot antiquities.

Rolling with the times
Made for @cyprus_handicraft_service and crafted at cyens.thinkermakerspace. This traditional rollingpins are adorned by laser engraved Cypriot patterns from a paleo Christian church at akrotiri, Limassol. Photos by TMS intern at the time irakleous konstantinos

The Knife
Toying around with consepts and processes laserengraved ottoman style pocketknife with protochrisitan cypriot patternwork.
A cusstom window plotter developed by TMS team as our first exhibiting piece in WIP back at 2020 . The aim is to create ephimeral pieces on shop windows based on the needs of a company, artist or designer.

TMS in their effort to respond to the pan-Cypriot makers call for healthcare personnel PPE (personal protection equipment) have collaborated with CUT Makerslab, Studioandlab and other Makerspaces for the design of a mask that is durable, reusable and adjustable for maximum comfort. This was made possible using a more versatile material (PETG) to make the laser cutting production more efficient and the face shields able to withstand

Chicken Coop
made to provide better ventilation and a healthy environment for egg production while taking care of all the needs and comforts adding to the longevity of health of chickens. All part of a chickens life were taken in acount. Developed for a private customer (AKA it sits at my back garden and i give the plans to friends for free)

Brake it
last minute Props made for Cypriot film crew in the most old-school of ways. Elastic mould, corn starch and caramel consist the basic ingredients.

Non Toxic Printmaking
showcasing my methodology of applying digital fabrication to traditional printmaking. Featuring the use of laser cutting for linocuts and woodcuts via our Epilog Laser machine and printing via Cypriot Printmakers provided, newly revamped press. Big thanks to staff members Alexis Charalambous, Stratis Pantelides and Marios Charalambous for the reconditioning of the double drum press.

The Bitter Truth
Sneak pic of a little something i have been secretly working on for the past six months.
Have been advised and helped by quite a few people to pull this of @omrspnyds @georgiosart @xyzdesignhouse thanks again. Cant wait to see the package design by @omrspnyds coming your way pretty soon.
Had to master more than one principles in order to have a dissent looking edible final product. #moldmaking #chocolate #3dprinting #3dmodeling
Anyone not familiar with cypriot politics and history am afraid you might not get the visual joke.
Spoof project.

Pattern Design Fig. 1 - 6
Light-Satin, Silk scarf / Measuring 68x68 cm / Printed in the UK / Inspired, by patterns found at archeological sites on the isle of Cyprus / Featured as Part of Exhibition "In Search of Identity" / Fig.4 and Fig.6 can be bought here, alatou.bigcartel.com

In Theory Bar
Few years back me and dear friend Nikos Kanaris designed and fabricated the furniture of a bar in Limassol called In Theory.
Even though the bar itself had not survived the economic crisis of 2013 most of the furniture can be found scattered in different bars of the Saripolou area of Limassol and are still being used today.